[ramblings about the immaterial]

rather self-indulgent musings written in the late-hours..

[written 09 Aug, 2024]

its there. you feel it.
that immaterial context, what your chromosomal lender may refer to as "spirits" or "ghosts". permeating around you, but never easily grabbable.

the echoes of echoes, allowing themselves to trickle into your waning receptors. they wont hold out for much longer, mayhaps its best to become more attuned to this permeative context before physical reception dies out on you.

there's never particularly anything that this context has to "say". its merely an ocean of information that subsequently diverts into peaks, and the further along the sequence it travels it splits and breaks down further into more tangible concepts. you are aware of its existence and can respect it, you needn't encroach on its presence so hard. it generally results in not wanting to be cooperative anyway.

all the same, the pieces may elude you. but you'll thread them together. one by one.

[things]: works // writing